Category: Arborist
Owner of Rock-N-Arbor Brand Acquires Omega Pacific Brand
Company Brands Now Include Rock-N-Rescue, Rock-N-Arbor, and Omega Pacific, Offering Valued Customers Even More Quality Rescue Gear and Climbing Equipment. OMEGA PACIFIC IS BACK! Rock-N-Arbor’s parent company, The Weinel Group has acquired the Omega Pacific brand and its associated trademarks. Omega Pacific was one of the original brands of rescue and climbing hardware. The Weinel…
The Evolving Arborist: How Failing to Adapt Holds Arborists Back
In an age-old trade, it is common for arborists to rely on techniques, personal habits, and equipment that are outdated or inefficient. The dangers of the job give us a great excuse to be stubborn in our ways. There is always a risk in trying something new, but, through research and trial, many will find…
4 Tips for Improving Arborist Efficiency
Working quickly can be ideal when time is money, but arborists should strive for efficiency above all else. Careful planning and preparation will speed up jobs, increase profits, and even extend your career. When it comes to the job of an arborist, sometimes slow is smooth and smooth is fast. So, how do you create…
Tree Climbing Techniques: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Different Styles
When it comes to pruning or felling trees, arborists need to ensure they’re relying on the best tools and techniques for the job. Using the wrong tool or the wrong technique at the wrong time could result in disaster, or at the very least make the job more difficult and time-consuming. That’s why modern tree…
5 Types of Arborist Protective Clothing Even the Most Experienced Workers Need
Whether you’ve been an arborist for 20 years or it’s your first day on the job, having the proper protective clothing and gear is essential. Trimming and felling large trees is a difficult and dangerous job with a variety of common injuries. Falls, getting struck by limbs or trunks, chainsaw or saw injuries, and even electrical contact incidents are liable to occur even if proper…
Tree Rigging Tips and Techniques that Improve Safety and Efficiency
Proper training and techniques are essential to arborist safety, yet it’s all too common for newer workers to be exposed to outdated or improper tree removal information. If training isn’t handled properly, arborists can easily succumb to forgetfulness that breeds bad habits. Even if the initial training is sound, it’s important for tree removal companies to schedule regular training sessions to…
Handsaw vs. Chainsaw: Choosing the Right Equipment for the Job
When it comes to pruning or felling trees, it’s important to have the right tools for the task at hand. Depending on the job, you might require rope, climbing gear, rigging, or other arborist tools and hardware. But one thing you’ll always need is a saw. It’s easy to look at a handsaw and a chainsaw and come to the conclusion that the chainsaw is…
How to Become an Arborist
When it comes to arborist safety, one of the best ways to reduce workplace injuries is to ensure each employee has the proper equipment and tools.
Arborist Safety Tips for Tree Work
When it comes to arborist safety, one of the best ways to reduce workplace injuries is to ensure each employee has the proper equipment and tools.